Art and the Mystical Love of Christ


For most people, Baroque art is just a footnote in art history, one of the many artistic movements that have had their time in the spotlight of human history.

But it is actually much more than that. After the Protestant Reformation, which saw many churches stripped of their imagery, the Church called upon artists to support the doctrines and dogmas of the faith. They responded in a marvelous way.

Baroque art has been called the art of the Counter-Reformation and it played a part in re-establishing Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in the hearts of the faithful.

Learn how artists portrayed even abstract concepts such as “mystical love” in Elizabeth Lev’s latest article for Aleteia


Pontifex University is an online university offering a Master’s Degree in Sacred Arts. For more information visit the website at

Lawrence Klimecki is a deacon for the diocese of Sacramento as well as a working artist, he writes on art and faith at 

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