The Way of Beauty as Graduate Theology Textbook

Here is an article from Angelico Press about increasing interest in the Way of Beauty

Angelico Press

CLAYTON-The-Way-of-Beauty-200-px-300pxThe Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, part of the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley University in California, is offering a new Certificate in Theological Studies for working artists which features David Clayton’s The Way of Beauty as a core textbook. This Masters-level certificate is designed to help artists “augment their expertise with a specialized focus in the relationship of the fine arts to Catholic worship and culture.”

Students will be taught how, through philosophy and theology, to evangelize the culture using their unique creativity without compromising core principals of traditional Christian culture. The courses will focus on the relationship of sacred art to sacred liturgy, the philosophical and theological foundations for the anthropological and transcendent aspects of art, and will provide the basic principals for using the fine arts as a vehicle for preaching the gospel to the contemporary culture.

The four courses needed to complete the Certificate in Theological Studies program with a specialization in Sacred Arts are:


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