Bishop Conley on Catholic Education

In his regular column in the Southern Nebraska Register, Bishop Conley has described the essence of Catholic education. You can read the full column, The True Dignity of Education, here.

He tells us the following:

Encountering the living God is at the heart of true and meaningful Catholic education. This means that teachers, and administrators, must first themselves be disciples of Jesus Christ. It means that prayer—silent communion with the Eucharistic Lord—is at the center of the vocation of a teacher. To effectively foster encounters with the living God, every single teacher must cultivate a deep and abiding interior relationship with the Lord, especially in the silence of prayer.

As a teacher, this tells me succinctly the ultimate purpose of what I do. It is to foster in our students encounters with the living God. This is, it seems to me, because this is what the Christian life is about. This is why at Pontifex University, we stress that for students and teachers alike, the worship of God with the eucharist at its heart must be at the center of our lives. And in every class, all must understand how it relates to end of the Christian life, otherwise it is not worth teaching!

Read the full article here.

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