Why Study Philosophy in A Sacred Arts Program?

Dr. Carrie Gress and David Clayton in Discussion

Here is a video discussion between Dr. Carrie Gress and myself about why her philosophy course A Survey of the Philosophy of the Good, the True and the Beautiful is such an important part of Pontifex University’s Masters of Sacred Arts program.


We get down to such topics as: should art be for art’s sake, or for God’s sake?

And why when you look at a painting like the one you can see in the panel above, by Jackson Pollack, or the one below by the same artist, the first question any intelligent, clear-thinking person should ask is the same as the one that usually only a five-year would dare to ask…

What is it?

The answer is Lucifer, by the way. Couldn’t you tell?

Oh and this stained glass window by another artist is one of the persons of the Trinity…which one do you think?

God the Father, silly. Isn’t it obvious?

In the 14th century, things seemed much clearer. Are there any doubts about who is portrayed here?

This is the Trinity. I’m guessing that you didn’t need me to tell you this one. The painting is by Nicoletto.

What is influencing the different ideas of how to portray the subject matter is the personal philosophy of the artist, as much as his faith, or lack of it in the case of Pollack. Demonstrating how is what Pontifex University’s Masters of Sacred Arts is all about!

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